
My artistic education and the love for children lead ^me to open the kid’s gallery and make a dream come true. Every human being is different. Whereas one likes to articulate her-/himself through her or his voice, another prefers to do so by drawing. I offer the kids a big variance of tools and techniques to enable them to express themselves freely. To get to know oneself and to find one’s own way to live a happy life is the most precious gift we can offer to our children. I see it as my task to offer this to the children of the kid’s gallery.
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.” Kahlil Gibran.

The heart of a child needs love, protection and that secure feeling that a helping hand is always close if needed. There is nothing I like more than to offer my humor and strenght to children. Wheather on the playground or in the activity room – after our play-hours we all know why we are hungry! Movement along with humor and a loving attitude makes the hearts of children laugh. To be part of this and see it, makes me happy. Also, I like to cook for the children and make sure that their tummy is happy too.
In order for our team to fully concentrate on the wealth being of the children, I also take care of the administrational matters and make sure that everythings is going the way it should.
If a miracles happens, it happens through loving and true hearts. Johann Wolfang von Goethe.